Doula Services
Birthing is a time to connect mind and body. I help to facilitate this connection for not only the Birthing Person but the Partner as well. My knowledge of correct body posture during pregnancy, labor position changes as well as breathing and comfort techniques help the Birthgiver and baby work together for a healthy satisfying birth. I support every type of birth whether unmedicated, medicated, or cesarean, and at home, hospital, or birth centre.

In Person
Birth Support
Prenatal Support 24/7 a time of hire
Personalized Fetal Positioning Coaching​
Complete Childbirth Education
2 in-person prenatal meetings with Belly Mapping and positioning review
Membership to Private Client Group Community with access to courses and resources specific to your journey sharing childbirth , postpartum education, evidence based information)
Personalized Birthing Day and Postpartum Preferences
Full in-person labor support with Personalized Positioning support
Hypnobabies Doula Support (if requested)
TENS Machine for Comfort (if requested)
Birthing Pool Service (rental)
Additional Placenta services (Preperations, Donation or Planting Kits)
After your birth
I remain with you for at lease one hour after the birth, until you are comfortable, you have established initial feeding, and your family is ready for quiet time together​
We will schedule a follow-up visit within 2 weeks to review the birthing
I am available for a minimum of 2 weeks postpartum for support 24/7
FEE: $1650
Virtual Labour & Birth Support
Remote Prenatal Support 24/7 (phone, email, text, Skype or equivalent)
Personalized Fetal Positioning Coaching
Complete Childbirth Education​ Class
Membership to Private Client Group Community with access to courses and resources specific to your journey (sharing childbirth and postpartum education, evidence based information)
Personalized Birthing Day and Postpartum Preferences
2-60 minute Prenatal Skype or equivalent visits with Belly Mapping and positioning review
Labour Checklist for Birth Partner including personalized techniques to use for all stages
Full remote labor support with Personalized positioning and comfort measure guidance
Optional Birth Partner lending Birth Kit (massage roller, led candles, wireless speaker & more)
Add ons:
TENS Machine for Comfort (rental)​
Birthing Pool kit Service (rental)
Peanut Ball (rental)
Birth Ball (rental)
After your birth​
I am available for a minimum of 2 weeks postpartum for support 24/7
We will schedule a Skype or equivalent follow-up visit within 2 weeks to check in and review the birth
FEE: $850

Everything but the Birth Doula
2-60 minute Prenatal Skype or equivalent visits with Belly Mapping and positioning review
Labour Checklist for Birth Partner including personalized techniques to use for all stages
Personalized Fetal Positioning Coaching
Complete Childbirth Education​ Class
Membership to Private Client Group Community with access to courses and resources specific to your journey (sharing childbirth and postpartum education, evidence based information)
Personalized Birthing Day and Postpartum Preferences​
Optional Birth Partner lending Birth Kit (massage roller, led candles, wireless speaker & more)
Add ons:
TENS Machine for Comfort (rental)​
Birthing Pool kit Service (rental)
Peanut Ball (rental)
Birth Ball (rental)
We will schedule a Skype or equivalent follow-up visit within 2 weeks to check in and review your birth
FEE: $400
Empowered Cesarean
2-60 minute Prenatal Meetings
24/7 support access from time of hire
In person Birth and Postpartum Support (within birth site guidelines)
Membership to Private Client Group Community with access to courses and resources specific to your journey (sharing childbirth and postpartum education, evidence based information)
Personalized Birthing Day and Postpartum Preferences
4 Hours of Postpartum Support
FEE: $700

Postpartum Doula Support
2 - 60 minute prenatal meetings to discuss Postpartum support plans
Newborn care (assisting with bathing, feeding )
Assist with debriefing your birth story and providing support as needed
Assistance with bonding with your newborn, which includes partners and siblings
Support with discovering your own parenting philosophy
Sibling support, ways to include siblings/help them transition
Prepare basic nutritious food for the family
Light domestic tasks.
FEE: $32/hr
My labour progressed so quickly that I was not able to make it to the hospital and we called an ambulance. My baby was born in the ambulance not far from my house. This could have been a panic-inducing situation especially for my husband; however we both felt calm, confident, and supported by her presence.
Milly was an incredible support for me, not only while I was in labor, but for the month long prodromal labor I experienced before it. No bueno folks, I don't recommend prodromal labor, but I DO recommend Milly.
We were able to have a support that was invaluable during our son's birth. I can't imagine not having her there to support me and guide me through my fear and pain. She was lovely, and not once made me feel anything but comfortable and safe. Without Milly, I may not have known how to advocate for myself, but with her help, I am able to look back on my son's birth and feel nothing but love (as one should).